Skyfall-A Visual Masterpiece

When I watched Craig’s  Casino Royale in 2006, I was just a teenager. That film was very gripping and memorable especially because of Eva Green’s performance. I thought it would be very difficult to topple this movie. But SKYFALL surprised me, to a huge extent. From the first train chase scene to the last moment, it hooked me up to the seat. The story is built around M- the street-smart and quirky MI6 chief who deals with her bitter experience with a rogue agent, Silva.  Although the story is not something very novel, the execution was top-notch. Brilliant performances from the leads, Judy, Craig, and Bardem enhanced the flow of the plot every bit. What startled me most was the visual treatment with amazing cinematography. The landscapes of Scotland were beautifully captured, with suitable music and background design. Pacing was also appropriate. The only negative point in my opinion is the action sequences in the later part of the movie. Not telling they are trash, but they could have been better executed. Overall, it’s a visual and cinematic treat to the action movie romantics.

Feeling after watch:  It’s an emotional watch for M  and 007 lovers. 

What’s good: Cinematography, acting, some action sequences, music and emotional scenes.

What’s bad: Some action sequences, pacing.

Do I suggest it: Definitely, a must-watch for action movie lovers